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The Planning Department is a dynamic team working with the community to shape a vibrant and exceptional city. The department is responsible for the review and issuance of land use permits, preparation and implementation of long-range plans for the City, and overseeing affordable housing initiatives.

The department is also a resource for homeowners, businesses, designers, and contractors in building safe, healthy, and sustainable buildings that comply with applicable codes and regulations.



The Planning, Building Safety and Public Works Engineering departments work closely together to form Development Services for the City of Medford.  The Planning Department can assist you with land use and development code related questions:

  • New development
  • Zoning
  • Transportation planning issues
  • Subdividing property
  • Urban growth boundary
  • Floodplain & wetland permits
  • Accessory dwelling units
  • Fences and sheds
  • Beekeeping and chicken keeping inside city limits
  • How planned development may impact property in outlying areas




Information Center

Our vast library of documents covering wide-ranging subjects:

  • City Center 2050 Plan
  • Neighborhood Plans
  • Floodplain
  • Studies
  • Brochures

Go to Information Center


The Planning Department has issued the following Requests for Proposal:

RFP 24-015 PLN Remodel of the Medford Navigation Center at 685 Market Street

Learn More(PDF, 104KB)

Current Planning

Current planning reviews land use applications and related development permits for compliance with zoning codes and state environmental requirements. Proposals are reviewed for compliance with the City's codes and design guidelines.




Long Range and Comprehensive Planning

The Long Range Planning division guides and develops visioning and implementation programs for the City's housing, land use, and community development policies and programs. 

The Division is responsible for the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. This plan is the long-term vision for Medford created by residents, stakeholders and decision makers and includes goals, objects and policies to guide decision making.





The Housing and Community Development Division works diligently to address challenges centered on growth and development while meeting the needs to all community members to provide safe, decent, affordable housing.

The Division coordinates two City commissions to address community development and housing challenges and administers multiple programs and services to provide resources for community members and businesses.

  • Community Services and Development Commission
  • Housing Advisory Commission



Flood information is included In your September 2021 utility bill and we'd like to share more:

All Things Flood Related 2021(PDF, 522KB)

There's more...

Go to Flood Information


The purpose of the Medford's Land Development Code is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of all residents of the City of Medford through the regulation and management of the use and development of land within the city.

Go to Medford Municipal Code