City Recorder's Office

City Recorder's Office Web Page Photo.png

The City Recorder serves as the clerk for the City Council, the City's Elections Officer and the public records manager.  In that capacity, the City Recorder attends all City Council meetings, prepares and retains meeting minutes; manages City elections, administers oaths of office, oversees public records requests, and sets retention policies and procedures.  

This division is responsible for preparing the official minutes of the City Council and management of public records.

Submit a public request, monitor updates and more through the online Public Records Request portal.

You will need to create an account and provide an email address to submit a public record request. If you have any questions regarding the creation of your account, please contact the City Recorder's Office at (541) 774-2017 or


The City Recorder serves as the City's Elections Officer and assists the public with City election issues, including running for office and filing an initiative petition. 

The Jackson County Elections Office conducts all elections county-wide.  For more information on local elections, please visit their website.  Jackson County Elections

City of Medford Elections

Jackson County manages marriage licenses, divorce cases, name changes, probates, property records, animal control, voter registration and county elections.  


The City of Medford has four wards. Each ward is represented by two City Councilors.