Active Transportation Advisory Committee




About the Active Transportation Advisory Committee

The Committee advises the City Council on plans and issues related to non-motorized transportation in the City of Medford.  Candidates are sought to represent pedestrian interests, cycling interests and other non-motorized transportation modes.









Term End

 Lori Briggs  Recording Secretary  
 Casi Brown Staff Liaison  
 Katherine Cable      Committee Member  1/31/2027
 Alex Golden  Committee Member  1/31/2027
 Jenny Gorsegner  Committee Member  1/31/2026
 Jeff Roberts  Committee Member  1/31/2026
 Suzanne Schroeder       Committee Member  1/31/2028
 Michael Sowers  Committee Member     1/31/2028
 Chris Wines Committee Member 1/31/2026


Meetings are typically held the 2nd Monday of the month at 5:15pm in room 151 of the Lausmann Annex, located at 200 S. Ivy Street.

Click here for additional meeting information.



Want to apply?

Interested in serving on this Committee?  Click here to see how!


4.454 Active Transportation Advisory Committee

(1) The Medford City Council hereby creates the Active Transportation Advisory Committee to advise the City Council on plans and issues related to non-motorized transportation including pedestrians, bicyclists, skateboarders and others.

(2) The Active Transportation Advisory Committee shall consist of seven members, including a mix of persons representing pedestrian interests, cycling interests, and other non-motorized transportation modes. Members shall be appointed by the Mayor and City Council. Members shall be appointed to serve three-year terms, except that shorter terms may be used to stagger appointments so that the terms of two members expire each year. The Committee shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from among its members. The Committee shall adopt rules of procedure as necessary, and shall establish either a regular meeting date or rules of procedure under which a meeting may be called. Four members shall constitute a quorum. Members shall attend all meetings unless excused.

(3) The duties of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) Make recommendations to the Transportation Commission regarding priorities and opportunities for non-motorized transportation programs.

(4) One member from the Committee will be appointed to serve as a member of the Transportation commission

(5) The Active Transportation Advisory Committee shall present to the Transportation Commission a yearly written report on the committee’s activities, goals and concerns.

(6) The City shall provide staff support for the Active Transportation Advisory Committee from the Public Works and Planning Departments, with other departments providing assistance as needed.

[Added Sec. 5, Ord. No. 2018-90, Jul. 19, 2018 (effective Jan. 1, 2019); Amd. Sec. 2, Ord. No. 2023-42, Apr. 20, 2023.]