Planning Commission




About the Planning Commission

The Commission is the approving authority for zone changes, planned unit developments, conditional use permits, exceptions and land divisions, etc.; makes recommendations and suggestions to the City Council and other public authorities on matters relating to zoning, growth and development in the City.  











Term End

Rachel Bennett Commissioner 1/31/2025
Larry Beskow Commissioner 1/31/2026
Kelly Akin      Staff Liaison       
David Culbertson      Commissioner      1/31/2028
Vacancy      Commissioner 1/31/2027
Mark McKechnie Commissioner 1/31/2027
EJ McManus Commissioner 1/31/2025
Jared Pulver Commissioner 1/31/2027
John Quinn Commissioner 1/31/2026
Jeff Thomas Commissioner 1/31/2028
Kali Ochoa Recording Secretary   


Meetings are typically held the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 411 W. 8th Street.

Study Sessions are typically held the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at noon via Zoom.

Click here for additional meeting information.



Want to apply?

Interested in serving on this Commission?  Click here to see how!


Medford Municipal Code 10.110(D) - Planning Commission

(D)  Planning Commission Authority.

(1)  The Planning Commission shall have all powers set forth in ORS 227.090 (Powers and Duties of Commission) except as otherwise provided by ordinance of the City Council.

(2) The Planning Commission is hereby designated as the approving authority for the following land use reviews:

Land Use Review
Appeals (See Section 10.140)
Conditional Use Permit
Park Development Review
Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan
Subdivision Tentative Plat
Zone Change (Minor)

(E)  Planning Commission, Other Duties
It shall further be the responsibility of the Planning Commission to:

(1)   Study and report on all proposed code amendments referred to it by the City Council.  When reviewing any such proposed amendments, the Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation and findings to the City Council.

(2)  Review this chapter and report on same to the City Council at least once every five years commencing on the date of enactment of this chapter.  Specifically the Planning Commission shall:

(a) Analyze the extent to which development has occurred in the city as compared to the projected growth per the Comprehensive Plan.

(b)  Recommend any changes in the mapping of zoning districts as determined necessary to accommodate the expected 20-year growth as determined by the Comprehensive Plan.

(3)  Serve as the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) per the Comprehensive Plan.

(F) Planning Commission, Membership.

(1)  Number Appointed. The Planning Commission shall consist of nine voting members appointed by the Mayor and City Council. 

(2)  Length of Term. All terms shall be for a period of four years beginning on February 1 of each year with not more than three terms expiring in the same year.

(3)  Position Appointments.

The Planning Commission members shall at a minimum comply with the requirements of Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 227.030 (Membership) as provided below or as amended:

(a)  No more than two members of a city planning commission may be city officers, who shall serve as ex officio nonvoting members.

(b)  No more than two voting members of the commission may engage principally in the buying, selling, or developing of real estate for profit as individuals, or be members of any partnership, or officers or employees of any corporation, that engages principally in the buying, selling or developing of real estate for profit.

(c) No more than two members shall be engaged in the same kind of occupation, business, trade or profession.

(4)  Selection Criteria. All members of the Commission shall either be residents of the City of Medford or Medford Urban Growth Boundary.  No more than two members of the Commission shall be appointed who reside outside the Medford city limits.  A Commissioner who ceases to meet the residency requirement during their term of office shall forfeit the office and a new member shall be appointed to serve the unexpired portion of the term. 

(5)  Removal Terms. A member may be removed by the Mayor and City Council, after a hearing, for misconduct or nonperformance of duty. 

(6)  Vacancy Replacement. A Commissioner who ceases to meet the residency requirement during their term of office shall forfeit the office and a new member shall be appointed to serve the unexpired portion of the term. Any vacancy shall be filled by the Mayor and City Council for the unexpired term of the predecessor in the office.

(7) Quorum. A quorum of the Planning Commission shall consist of a majority of the current membership of the Commission.

(G) Planning Commission Meeting Procedures.
Except as otherwise provided by law or this Code, the Planning Commission shall conduct its meetings in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, unless other rules are adopted by the Commission.