Commission on Access, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion




About the Commission on Access, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (CADEI)

The City Council establishes the Commission on Access, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (CADEI) to advise the City on access, diversity, equity and inclusion strategies that strengthen connections and improve success in diverse community groups and with City government.

2022 Medford ADEI Assessment

City of Medford ADEI Plan(PDF, 33KB)

30th Medford Multicultural Fair









Term End

Bonnie Barasch      Staff Liaison       
Valerie Goodwin      Recording Secretary       
Debra Lee Commissioner 1/31/2026
Jennelle Maier Commissioner 1/31/2027
Hima Patel Commissioner 1/31/2025
Marta Tarantsey Commissioner 1/31/2025
Michael Velasquez      Commissioner 1/31/2027
Rose Velasquez Commissioner 1/31/2026
Kris Von Wald Commissioner 1/31/2027


Meetings are typically held the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:00pm in the Innovation Center, Room 136 of City Hall, located at 411 W. 8th Street.

Click here for additional meeting information.




Want to apply?

Interested in serving on this Commission?  Click here to see how!


Medford Municipal Code 2.437 - Commission on Access, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

2.437 Commission on Access, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

 (1) The City Council establishes the Commission on Access, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (CADEI) to advise the City on access, diversity, equity and inclusion strategies that strengthen connections and improve success in diverse community groups and with City government.

(2) The CADEI shall consist of seven members. The members shall be appointed by the Mayor and Council for terms of three years, except that, to ensure that all appointments do not expire simultaneously, the terms for initial commission members shall be as follows: two initial members shall be appointed for terms expiring on January 31, 2022; two initial members shall be appointed for terms expiring on January 31, 2023; and three initial members shall be appointed for terms expiring on January 31, 2024. Subsequent appointments shall maintain the system of staggered terms. To the extent feasible, membership will be representative of historically marginalized or underrepresented communities, and will reflect the diverse community groups of Medford.

(3) The CADEI shall create and adopt bylaws and rules of procedure, as necessary, and shall establish either a regular meeting date or rules of procedure under which meetings may be called.

(4) The CADEI exists to advise the Mayor, Council and City staff on access, equity and inclusion strategies that strengthen connections among diverse communities living in Medford and support the City in providing the best customer service.

(5) The duties of the CADEI are:

(a) Identify and voice concerns to Council and City staff about issues related to access, diversity, equity and inclusion.

(b) Review and make recommendations to Council and City staff concerning the following matters, with a lens towards access, diversity, equity, and inclusion:

(i) City job descriptions and employment application processes;

(ii) Internal administrative regulations; and

(iii) Identification of awareness trainings for elected officials, volunteer members of City boards and commissions, and City staff.

(c) Facilitate the removal of barriers related to access, diversity, equity, and inclusion by providing recommendations to Council for the development of an inclusive civic engagement process by addressing, without limitation, the following issues:

(i) How individuals can access City services;

(ii) The effectiveness of the City Strategic Communications and Marketing Plan; and

(iii) How community members can have their voices heard.

(d) Develop and recommend to Council and City staff goals, actions and strategies to improve access, diversity, equity, and inclusion through the development of an ADEI Plan, and present annual updates of the Plan to Mayor and Council, for review and approval by Council.

(e) Provide input to the Community Services and Development Commission to ensure City-funded programs and projects are promoting access, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

(f) Provide assistance and advice to other City boards and commissions on topics related to access, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

(g) Other duties as may be assigned by the Mayor and City Council.

[Added Ord. No. 2000-57, Apr. 6, 2000; Amd. Ord. No. 2002-19, Feb. 7, 2002; Amd. Sec. 4, Ord. No. 2010-81, Apr. 15, 2010; Amd. Sec. 7, Ord. No. 2012-157, Oct. 4, 2012; Amd. Sec. 5, Ord. No. 2013-003, Jan. 3, 2013; Amd. Ord. No. 2021-29, Apr. 15, 2021.]