Site Plan & Architectural Commission




About the Site Plan & Architectural Commission

The Site Plan & Architectural Commission is the approving authority for Site Plan and Architectural Review, looking at architecture, landscaping, signage and any other improvements of new development projects and existing structures.  









Term End

Jim Akery Commissioner - Contractor 1/31/2026
Jeffrey Bender      Commissioner - Architect      1/31/2027
Vacancy Commissioner - Landscaper 1/31/2027
Kelly Akin    Staff Liaison  
Bill Chmelir Commissioner - Engineer 1/31/2025
Robert Neathamer      Commissioner - At-Large Member      1/31/2026
Marcy Pierce Commissioner - At-Large Member 1/31/2028
Elle Powell Commissioner - At-Large Member 1/31/2025
Jeff Thomas Planning Commission Rep 1/31/2028
Rick Whitlock Commissioner - At-Large Member 1/31/2025
Amanda Gross Recording Secretary  


Meetings are typically held the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at noon in Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 411 W. 8th Street.

Click here for additional meeting information.



Want to apply?

Interested in serving on this Commission?  Click here to see how!


Medford Municipal Code 10.110(H) - Site Plan & Architectural Commission

(H) Site Plan and Architectural Commission Authority.

The Site Plan and Architectural Commission is hereby designated as the approving authority for the following land use reviews:

Land Use Review
Major Modification of Site Plan and Architectural Commission Review Approval
Site Plan and Architectural Commission Review

(I) Site Plan and Architectural Commission, Other Duties. The Site Plan and Architectural Commission shall have the power to adopt design guidelines.  Such guidelines may be general or specific in nature and shall be in the form of suggested approaches intended to aid applicants in preparation, presentation and implementation of development proposals in compliance with the City of Medford Comprehensive Plan and implementing ordinances.  Guidelines shall be advisory and shall not limit applicants to a single approach.    

(J)       Site Plan and Architectural Commission, Membership.

(1)  Number Appointed.   The Site Plan and Architectural Commission shall consist of nine voting members appointed by the Mayor and City Council.

(2)  Length of Term.   Site Plan and Architectural Commissioner terms shall be for a period of four years, with the exception of the member of the Planning Commission, whose initial term shall be for a period of two (2) years.  Subsequent Planning Commissioner terms shall be for one year if reappointed.  Said terms shall begin on February 1 of each year with not more than two terms expiring in the same year, exclusive of the Planning Commissioner. 

(3)  Position Appointments.

(a) One member shall be a Planning Commissioner nominated by the Planning Commission chairperson. 

(b)  One member shall be a licensed architect.

(c)  One member shall be a licensed professional engineer.

(d)  One member shall be a licensed landscaping professional.

(e)  One member shall be a licensed contractor. 

When selecting persons to fill the remaining four positions, preference should be given to applicants who have training or experience closely related to the licensed positions.  At the Mayor and City Council’s discretion, an appointment to any of the four professional/licensed positions may be an individual who, in lieu of having a valid license in the profession, possesses a comparable combination of skill, education, training and experience related to the respective professional licensing category.

(4) Selection Criteria.  All members of the Commission shall either be residents of the City of Medford or Medford Urban Growth Boundary.  No more than two members of the Commission shall be appointed who reside outside the Medford city limits.  A Commissioner who ceases to meet the residency requirement during their term of office shall forfeit the office and a new member shall be appointed to serve the unexpired portion of the term. 

(5)  Removal Terms.  A member may be removed by the Mayor and City Council, after a hearing, for misconduct or nonperformance of duty. 

(6) Vacancy Replacement.
A Commissioner who ceases to meet the residency requirement during their term of office shall forfeit the office and a new member shall be appointed to serve the unexpired portion of the term. Any vacancy shall be filled by the Mayor and City Council for the unexpired term of the member being replaced.  

(7)  Quorum. A quorum of the Site Plan and Architectural Commission shall consist of five or more members a majority of the current membership of the Commission.

(K)  Procedure of the Site Plan and Architectural Commission Meeting Procedures. Except as otherwise provided by law or this Code, the Site Plan and Architectural Commission shall conduct its meetings in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, unless other rules are adopted by the Commission.