Planning Projects

Please submit comments for the projects below by e-mail to or to the assigned planner's contact information, call (541) 774-2380, or mail written comments to:

Medford Planning Department
411 West Eighth Street
Medford, OR 97501 


Learn about the Downtown Plan and how to be involved here. 


Project Summary

Senate Bill 1537 (SB 1537) was adopted by the Oregon State Legislature in May of 2024. The bill has measures to reduce regulatory and procedural barriers for housing.  In reviewing the bill, staff have identified items that need to be changed in the Medford Municipal Code to fully comply. 

The two main items needing to be addressed relates to the “goal post rule” and limited land use decisions.  Both are statutory requirements cities must follow currently.   SB 1537 changes both requirements to provide for more flexibility in land use reviews. 

The following list summarizes the changes. 

  • Added definition of replat
  • Removed the conditional use permit requirement for changes or expansions to nonconforming uses
  • Added replats to procedural table as Type II decisions
  • Separated nonconformities in use table as Type I and Type II decisions
  • Revised re-notice fee section to expand reasons for re-noticing
  • Added option for applicants to request new regulations to apply to already submitted applications

Hearing Dates:

  • Planning Commission – October 24, 2024
  • City Council – November 21, 2024

Full Amendment Text(PDF, 120KB)





The purpose of the Ad Hoc Parking Committee is to learn and discuss the direct and indirect effects of parking minimums on the community and environment. Over the course of the coming months, this group will develop a recommendation to the Medford City Council on whether or not parking minimums should be abolished citywide. To learn more about this topic and why we're facilitating this conversation, please review the resources below.



CFEC Rulemaking

Enrolled August 17, 2022 the Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities Rulemaking from the Department of Land Conservation and Development establishes new land use rules to improve sustainable design and development to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The adopted rules will be implemented over the next few years, with some in effect as early as December 31, 2022. 

Project Schedule, DCA-22-260

This draft code amendment, otherwise known as Parking A, will eliminate parking minimums for some use and development types; and for areas within 1/2 mile of Frequent Transit Corridors. Please see OAR 660-012-0430 and 0440 for the legal language, or refer to the past meetings for more information. 

 Parking A reform was approved December 1, 2022 and will become effective January 1, 2023. Please see Ordinance No. 2022-137 here(PDF, 1MB) for approved language. 


Project Contact

Please reach out to one of the following with questions pertaining to this draft code amendment. 

Casandra Brown, Planner II 



Carla Angeli-Paladino, Principal Planner 





Parklet Design

photo of parkletMedford's downtown streets have seen activity and outdoor seating through the conversion of parking spaces in the right-of-way. This started as a temporary program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting limitations placed on restaurants and bars for indoor seating of patrons.  Today, several businesses are using the program. 

City Council adopted an ordinance to amend the Medford Municipal Code allowing regulated parklets within the downtown Central Business District.  The ordinance took effect on October 1, 2021.

Parklet Design Standards(PDF, 651KB)