Court Schedule

The court docket is available to view here

All Medford Municipal Court sessions are open to the public.

Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. 

In Custody Arraignments (Monday - Friday at 8:30 AM)

In-custody arraignments are held Monday through Friday at 8:30 am.  In-custody arraignments are via video from the Jackson County Jail. 

Walk-ins are welcome at 8:30 am arraignments on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to clear warrants.

Out of Custody Arraignments (Wednesday and Thursday at 9:30 AM)

At arraignment an individual is informed about their charges and enters a plea of Not Guilty or No Contest. Defendants must check in at the front counter prior to entering the courtroom. In the courtroom, defendants are typically called in the order they checked in at the front counter. Check in for the 9:30 am court session begins at 9:00 am.

Criminal Arraignments

A criminal arraignment is a mandatory appearance before a judge. Individuals are informed of their charges and rights. Examples of criminal traffic crimes are reckless driving, hit and run, driving while suspended-misdemeanor, and reckless driving. Examples of misdemeanor ordinance charges include, but are not limited to, theft, criminal trespass, disorderly conduct, and harassment.

Misdemeanor charges are jailable offenses. Applications for court appointed attorneys are available at the front counter and in the courtroom.

Violation Arraignments

Minor traffic violations, bicycle, pedestrian, and animal citations as well as non-jailable ordinance violations are heard at the 9:30 am arraignment session. Examples of minor traffic violations include speeding, driving uninsured and driving while using a cell phone. Examples of non-jailable ordinance violations include unlawful storage of junk and weed abatement.

Defendants may appear for a 9:30 am court session prior to their scheduled court date by verifying the court has received the original citation from the Medford Police Department. If the court has not received the original from Medford Police Department the defendant cannot appear until their scheduled court date.

Fines will be assessed if a No Contest or Guilty plea is entered. Please be prepared to pay your fine. Fines may be reduced, depending on the charge, mitigating/aggravating circumstances and your driving history. Payment plans and other alternatives for payment may be available if approved by a judge.

Non-Jury Misdemeanor Trials

Non-jury trials (bench trials) are held Tuesdays at 9:30 am and 10:30 am. 

Jury Trials

Jury trials are available to all defendants charged with any criminal offense. Defendants must request a jury trial when entering a "Not Guilty" plea. Jury trials are scheduled on Fridays only at 9:00 am and are generally one day in duration.