Be Prepared for Winter Weather

Published on November 25, 2024

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Stay safe during winter storms by preparing ahead of time and follow safety best practices — stay informed, be aware of your surroundings, and be ready with a plan and emergency kit.


Service Highlights

  • Keep water, non-perishable food, and an extra set of warm clothes in the car in case you get stranded during winter weather.
  • Report downed trees and icy road conditions in the public right-of-way by calling 541-774-2600.
  • Don’t drive through flooded roads. Floodwater can be deeper than it appears, and the road underneath may be washed away or have hazards that you can’t see. Remember “Turn Around, Don’t Drown.”
  • Visit for the latest information on local emergency alerts and severe weather event declarations.

When cold weather hits please remember to check in on family, friends, neighbors and vulnerable populations, especially if the power goes out or roads turn icy.

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