ADA & Title VI Grievance Procedure

The City of Medford has established the following complaint/grievance procedure in accordance with federal law to provide a process for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging discrimination on the basis of disability (ADA) or other protected class such a race, color, national origin, sex and age (collectively Title VI). 

If discrimination of this type has happened to you from a City of Medford program, service or activity, please file your complaint as soon as possible, preferably no later than 60 days after the incident to allow for effective investigation. To be a viable complaint, your submission must have as much information as possible from the list in Step 1, "Gather your information." Please be aware that no incident can be investigated or discrimination identified, without sufficient facts about the matter.

The City can only respond to alleged incidents involving the operations of the City of Medford. We may not investigate or respond to discrimination complaints about other entities. This procedure does not apply to complaints of employment-related discrimination, which are subject to handling by the City's Human Resources Department:

If you need alternate format communication, a modified procedure, or other assistance, please contact the ADA Coordinator, Bonnie Huard, at 541-774-2074 or email 

File a Complaint

Step 1.Request a Complaint Grievance Form

Request a blank form by contacting the ADA & Title VI Coordinator by email at or phone call to 541-774-2074.

  • Include your message how you wish to receive the form, electronic or paper copy, and give clear contact information.
  • For electronic format sent to your email, please indicate if you plan to complete the form -- on a computer or on your phone screen -- to assure the best format is sent to you.
  • Or you may request a paper form be sent to your mailing address.


Step 2.Gather Your Information

Your complaint must include the information requested on the form, to the extent it is known. No incident can be investigated or discrimination identified, without sufficient facts about the matter. The form will include such things as:

  • When did this occur? Date and time
  • Where did it happen? What City facility was it? Address, if known
  • What happened? How were you discriminated against?
  • Which department, program or person was involved?
  • What remedy do you think would resolve the situation?
  • Any other supporting information to explain your complaint?
  • Your complete current contact information


Step 3.Submit Form

Once you have completed the Complaint Grievance Form, please return it to ADA & Title VI Coordinator at  Or by mail to:  

City of Medford, ADA & Title VI Coordinator
411 W 8th Street, Room 260
Medford OR 97501




Step 1.Watch for an Acknowledgement

  • Your complaint will be reviewed for complete information and timely submission.
  • You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your complaint within 10 business days.
  • It will include an initial determination of whether or not there is enough information for investigation.

Step 2.ADA & Title VI Coordinator Will Investigate

  • The detail of the information provided in the complaint will determine how far an investigation can go.
  • The incident will be investigated through an informal but thorough process, considering all information from your report and the City department and/or people involved
  • You may be contacted for additional information. 



Step 1.ADA & Title VI Coordinator Will Respond to Your Complaint

  • A determination will be made as to whether or not there are any potential findings sustained by the investigation or need for further resolution.
  • Your suggested remedy or resolution will be considered.
  • You will receive a written response of the outcome of your complaint.
  • Response will be sent no later than 30 business days from date a completed complaint is received.

Step 2.You May Request Reconsideration, If Needed

If you are not satisfied with the outcome provided by the ADA & Title VI Coordinator, you may request a reconsideration.

  • Request for reconsideration must be made within 30 business days of receiving the ADA & Title VI Coordinator’s response.
  • Request should be made by email to, explaining why you want the matter reconsidered.
  • The City Manager or designee will then review the matter and investigation, and manage any additional investigation, if warranted.
  • You will receive a written answer of reconsideration within 30 business days after receipt of a request to reconsider.
  • The determination of the City Manager or designee is final for the City of Medford’s good faith effort at resolving the complaint agreeably at an organizational level.
  • Notice is provided here that engaging in the City’s Complaint Grievance Process does not preclude any other possible remedies that may be allowed by the ADA, Title VI, or other applicable authorities.