Residential Master Plan Program

House Plan



Guidelines for Initial Master Plan Submittal

  • The initial review can be either site specific (verify final plat/utility plan is completed with Planning & Public Works) or review of only structural drawings.
  • A letter from the Engineer and/or Design Professional of Record is required allowing you to use their plan for the Master Program for each design.
  • Complete a Residential Permit Application and email to the City of Medford Building Department at
  1. Indicate application is for an initial review of a Master Plan.
  2. Name the Master Plan.
  3. All items must be submitted that are required for each plan, i.e. plans, truss information, beam calculations, site plan (if site specific).
  4. Submit all options.
  • The initial plan set will be reviewed at a full plan review fee plus a one-time $100 set-up fee (max 10 business day review per cycle).


    Guidelines for Additional Master Plan Submittal

  • The additional reviews are always site specific.  If initial review was only structural, verify final plat/utility plan is completed with Planning & Public Works.
  • Complete a Residential Permit Application and email to the City of Medford Building Department at
    1. Indicate application is for an additional review of a Master Plan.
    2. Name of Master Plan on the application.
    3. Note if GL or GR on the application.
    4. Any options selected or any deviations from the initial plan must be identified.
    5. Site plan.
    6. Geotech information (if applicable).


  • The Building Department will upload all approved plans and documents from the initial review; along with the application, and site plan that will be provided by the applicant.
  • The plan check fee will be reduced by 50% on all additional Master Plan submittals.
  • Any deviation from the initial Master Plan will be charged an additional $75; i.e. beam changes, from the approved set.
  • Reviews by the City will be completed within 5 business days.
  • Maximum of 3 Master Plan reviews will be processed each week.