No longer on display. Expired on
January 15, 2025, 11:59 PM
Public comments will be accepted until Wednesday, January 15, 2025.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a 30–day additional public comment period for the draft City of Medford’s Substantial Amendment to the 2024/25 Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The amendment proposes the reallocation of CDBG resources of $419,122.97: $474.51 (Program Year (PY) 2018), $120,806.49 (2020/21 CARES Act funds from Medford Navigation Center), $777.05 (PY 2020), $109,516.49 (PY 2021), $127,865.38 (PY 2022), and $59,683.05 (PY 2023). The public comment period will commence on Sunday, December 15, 2024, and close on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, to solicit citizen input regarding the amended action plans.
Allocations represent activities that address a need for public facility rehabilitation and improvement. The proposed allocations described below are further detailed in the draft Substantial Amendment to the 2024/25 Action Plan under Section AP-35 Projects; and as approved by City Council, will be submitted to HUD for final consideration and approval. Additional revisions to the Action Plan are reflected in sections AP-12 Participation, AP-15 Expected Resources, and Appendix B - Public Comments.
- City of Medford Navigation Center Reallocation of CARES Act Funds – $0 ($474.51, 2018; $777.05, 2020; $-87,962.97, 2020 CARES Act; $59,516.49, 2021; $27,194.92, 2022)
CARES Act funding will be reallocated from the Navigation Center and to the Santo Community Center. CARES Act funding will be replaced with entitlement funds and no loss of funding will be realized for this activity.
2. City of Medford Santo Community Center- $195,000 ($120,806.49, 2020 CARES Act; $74,193.51, 2022)
Funding would renovate 701 N. Columbus Avenue to complete structural repairs and improvements. The repairs and improvements will ultimately support replacement of the HVAC system.
3. Rogue Retreat Paving at Crossings - $130,000 ($50,000, 2021; $26,476.95 2022; $53,523.05 2023)
Funding would increase accessibility and improve conditions at Crossings by paving the driveway and installing paved paths within the facility. These improvements would support mobility-limited guests in accessing restrooms and other site amenities.
Project delivery costs of $6,160.00 (PY 2023) will also be allocated to existing projects.
The City of Medford’s Substantial Amendment to the 2024/25 Action Plan are available on the City’s website at or upon request. To obtain a copy, submit comments, or for additional information, please contact the Housing and Community Development Division at or 541–774–2380. Citizens needing translation services or other special accommodations may contact the Housing and Community Development Division at least three business days prior to the hearing to request these services. A summary of public comments will be incorporated into the final document prior to submission to HUD.
See the draft amendment here