Boards and Commissions

The City of Medford has several Boards and Commissions that serve as an advisory role to the City Council. Most Boards and Commissions require that you live within the Medford City limits or in Medford's Urban Growth Area, and they generally meet once per month.  The Boards & Commissions Handbook(PDF, 1MB) provides additional information on member rules, duties and responsibilities.

Current Commission Vacancies


The Medford Mayor and City Council are looking for people interested in serving on City Boards, Commissions and Committees.  To qualify for most positions, candidates must maintain a physical residence, own real property or own a business within Medford’s Urban Growth Boundary. 

Visit our website at for more information or to apply. 

ART SELECTION COMMITTEE (3-year term):  Two full-term positions (expiring 01/31/2028).  Committee meets when requested by the City Council or Parks and Recreation Commission.  Committee advises the City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission on matters pertaining to the selection and acquisition of public art, including prescribed implementation of the Public Art Selection and Acquisition Policy.

BUDGET COMMITTEE (4-year term):  Two partial-term positions (expiring 01/31/2027 and 01/31/2028).  Meets primarily in the spring to review the City’s budget document prior to forwarding its recommendation to the City Council.  Appointed candidate will also serve on the Medford Urban Renewal Agency (MURA) Budget Committee, which generally meets one time in odd years to review the MURA budget document prior to forwarding its recommendation to the MURA Board of Directors.

COMMUNITY SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (3-year term):  One full‑term position (expiring 01/31/2028) and one partial-term position (expiring 01/31/2026).  Meets monthly.  Commission administers the City’s General Fund Grant program and acts as an advisor to the City Council on the appropriate implementation of the City’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, related programs and statutory responsibilities. 

Available positions: educational institution representative and workforce development representative.

HOUSING ADVISORY COMMISSION (3-year term):  Two full-term positions (expiring 01/31/2028) and one partial-term position (expiring 01/31/2027).  Meets monthly.  Commission acts as an advisor to the City Council on matters affecting housing development pertaining to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program in the City of Medford. 

Available positions: at-large member, affordable housing developer, and construction and development representative.

PARKING COMMITTEE (3-year term):  One full-term position (expiring 01/31/2028) and two partial-term positions (expiring 01/31/2026).  Meets monthly.  Committee advises the Transportation Commission on matters related to parking in the Central Business District (CBD). 

Available positions: at-large member and CBD property/business owners, employees or residents. 

PLANNING COMMISSION (4-year term):  Two partial-term positions (expiring 01/31/2026 and 01/31/2027).  Meets twice monthly.  Commission is the approving authority for zone changes, planned unit developments, conditional use permits, exceptions, land divisions, etc.; makes recommendations and suggestions to the City Council and other public authorities on matters relating to zoning, growth and development in the City of Medford. 

SITE PLAN & ARCHITECTURAL COMMISSION (4-year term):   One partial-term position (expiring 01/31/2027).  Meets twice monthly.  Commission is the approving authority for Site Plan and Architectural Review, looking at architecture, landscaping, signage and any other improvements of new development projects and existing structures. 

Available position: licensed landscaper.

TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (3-year term):  Two full-term positions (expiring 01/31/2028).  Meets monthly.  Commission works with the Active Transportation Advisory Committee, Parking Committee, Rogue Valley Transportation District, Traffic Coordinating Committee and Transportation Advocacy Committee of the Medford/Jackson County Chamber of Commerce (TRADCO) to advise the City Council and the Planning Commission on all matters affecting transportation policy in the City of Medford and surrounding area. 

Positions are at large.

UNIFIED APPEAL BOARD (2-year term):  One partial-term position (expiring 01/31/2026).  Meets only when called.  Board performs the function of those boards created by the Uniform Building Codes, Plumbing Code, Electrical Code and Mechanical Code. Members must have knowledge in the building field. 

Position is at large.


To qualify for these positions, candidates must reside within City limits and be enrolled in a Medford high school, Medford public charter high school or be home-schooled in Medford. 

YOUTH MEMBER OF THE ART SELECTION COMMITTEE (1-year term):  One partial-term position (expiring 06/30/2025).  Meets when requested by the City Council or Parks and Recreation Commission.  Committee advises the City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission on matters pertaining to the selection and acquisition of public art, including prescribed implementation of the Public Art Selection and Acquisition Policy.




Application Process

If you are interested in serving on a City Board, Commission or Committee, you may submit an application at any time. All applications will be kept on file in the City Manager's Office and applicants will be contacted when there is an opening. The process to become appointed is as follows:

  1. Complete and submit an application. 
  2. Applicants will be contacted by a City staff member for an interview.
  3. Most appointments to a Board, Commission, or Committee are made at a regular City Council meeting.

Apply for a City Board, Commission or Committee

Are you ready to apply to serve on a City Board, Commission or Committee? If so, please complete our online application or if you need a paper copy please contact the City Manager's Office at or 541-774-2000.

Apply Now